Rep. Niemerg Meets with Constituents at Jasper County Fair
June 28, 2021
Rep. Adam Niemerg and Legislative Assitant Dallas Bear visit with the Harvey Family.
Its hard to believe that the first of the county fairs in our area has already ended for 2021. These are great family events that help support the agriculture industry and our farming families, the number one industry in Illinois. If you missed Jasper County Fair, you still have eight more fairs in the 109th District to enjoy. Find the list below.
“Ben” Niemerg helps Legislative Assistant Dallas Bear set up the information table at the Jasper County Fair.
Rep. Adam Niemerg, Connie Elliott, Jasper County Fair Board, and Legislative Assistant, Dallas Bear.
Rep. Adam Niemerg and Legislative Assistant Dallas Bear get help setting up Friday evening from “Ben” and “Vivie” Niemerg.
“Ben” and “Vivie” Niemerg are the ‘quality control’ for the fair food (corn dog and nacho cheese chips) this night. Visitors to the table could obtain Helpful Numbers for Illinois State Agencies and programs an sign up for the Legislative Updates through the E-News program.