State Rep. Adam Niemerg presented House Resolution #6 to Edgar County Board Chairman Jeff Voigt on Wednesday, June 15, 2023 at the Edgar County Board meeting. Everyone is encouraged to join in the four days of activities to celebrate and honor two hundred years.
Be sure to check out all of the fun activities this coming week/weekend for the celebration of Edgar County’s 200 years! Edgar County Bicentennial Celebration | 1823 – 2023. The Paris Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism has the links to register for events.

House Resolution 6
WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives wish to congratulate Edgar County on the occasion of its 200th anniversary; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln also had a strong connection to Edgar County, as it was one of 14 counties in central Illinois on the 8th Judicial Circuit that young Lincoln, in company of other lawyers and judges, traveled on horseback to provide a court of law in county seats in the spring and fall from 1842 to 1853; records show that Lincoln was engaged in 45 cases during his circuit riding days in the county; in 2017, the county was recognized as an official Looking for Lincoln site by the Looking for Lincoln Heritage Coalition (LFLHC) and is now encompassed in the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area (ALNHA); and
WHEREAS, In more recent history, Edgar County has been home to a Nobel Prize winner, a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, a comedy film series star, one of the nation’s first female brigadier generals, and a country music star; and
WHEREAS, Edgar County encompasses a total area of 624 square miles in east central Illinois, includes the Cities of
Chrisman and Paris, the Villages of Brocton, Hume, Kansas, Metcalf, Redmon, and Vermilion, 10 unincorporated communities, and 15 townships, and is currently home to nearly 17,000 Illinoisans; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Edgar County on its bicentennial and honor the achievements of its citizens and its role in Illinois and U.S. history; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we wish Edgar County another 200 years of success; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Edgar County as an expression of our esteem and