“Monday was the office move from Teutopolis to Dieterich. Thank you to Chris, Kelly, Colton and Jeff from Bradford’s Moving & Storage, Inc.! It is nice to find a local, family-owned business in the district who provides this kind of quality service!”
The new address is:
100 Norb Avenue, Suite 1
Dieterich, IL 62424
Same Phone: 217-813-6036
Same Online: RepNiemerg.com
“I encourage people to stop by to meet with me and my staff to discuss any concerns you may have with state government or need help with state programs or offices,” commented Rep. Niemerg. “I realize that 90 percent of the help we provide is over the phone or online through emails these days which is more convenient due to the size of my district, and we will continue to do that.”
The 102nd District comprises all or portions of Champaign, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Jasper, Lawrence, and Vermilion Counties.