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Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Late Night Antics Used to Pass Bad Bills on Illinoisans: Tax Increases; Legislator Pay Raises; No Help for Unemployed

First term State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) experienced his first legislative session in the early hours this morning witnessing first-hand the late night procedural tactics, delays, and maneuverings used to…

Saturday, May 29, 2021
IL Democrat Leader Finally Admits “This is NOT a Perfect Map…Politics Plays a Factor In It”

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) vehemently opposed the package of politically motivated, partisan district maps created without accurate 2020 Census data and ignoring the multitude of testimony of community groups….

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Rep. Niemerg Says Proposed Maps Bad for Democracy

Political Pandering Clearly Madigan-style Gerrymandering State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich), responded to the just released proposed maps for the Illinois General Assembly. Proposed maps can be found at this link….

Friday, May 21, 2021
Rep. Niemerg & Sen. Bailey Pass Bill to Help Volunteer Firefighters

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) and State Senator Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) say the state of Illinois could soon find more qualified applicants to serve as firefighters following the passage of…

Friday, May 14, 2021
Rep. Niemerg: End the Mask Mandate Now!

Rep. Niemerg Files Legislation to Stop Mask Mandates Starting with the IL House Chambers and IL Schools State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) announced this week that he has filed two…

Friday, May 7, 2021
Rep. Niemerg Says ‘Thank You’ To Train Derailment Clean-Up Crew

Public Entities & Private Citizens Worked Together on Behalf of the Community to Ensure Public Safety On Friday, April 30, State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich), was proud to present House…

Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Rep. Niemerg Sets Satellite Office Hours for May 5th & 20th

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) announced that his next Satellite Office Hours in May will be at the following: Wednesday, May 5 8:00 – 9:30 AM                 White Co. Farm…

Monday, April 26, 2021
Rep. Niemerg Legislation Allows for Free Fishing for Veterans and Others Each Veterans Day

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) is pleased to announce that today the Illinois House passed unanimously House Bill (HB) 3752 to give authority to the Director of Natural Resources to…

Thursday, April 22, 2021
Rep. Niemerg Co-Sponsors Historic Legislation To Finally Put Term Limits on Legislative Leaders

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) announced that legislation he co-sponsored to impose term limits on the legislative leaders in the Illinois General Assembly has passed the House. If the bill…

Thursday, April 22, 2021
Rep. Niemerg’s Bill to Put “In God We Trust” Back in Schools Passes Illinois House

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) is pleased to announce that his legislation to permit the displaying of “In God We Trust” at Illinois public schools has passed the House of…